Click Here to Login or fill out form below to request a login

myER (online Community)

When you log in, you will be able to see all your groups, events you might be interested in, and much more. You may wish to take a moment to update your profile information to ensure our records are correct. Do this by clicking the Go to my profile link on the upper right side of the page. (Our Children’s Ministry Check-in runs through this system, so if your phone number is incorrect in the system you will be UNABLE to check-in your children). You may also want to adjust your privacy settings (these have been pre-defined for you by the pastors/staff with the most protection). 


Emails are specific to only one individual.

It is NOT possible for a husband/wife to login to their individual accounts using the same email address. If you share an email address, please have one individual use the email address for their login and the other individual will need to create a username that is NOT that same email address.

Basic Member Information Form

Baptism Request Form