Kids & youth at eternal rock

Kids and youth are a big deal here because kids are a big deal to God. Our programs run from ages birth through high school. 

  • Rock Tots PlayGroup

    A themed monthly playgroup for children ages 0-5 and their parent(s) or caregiver(s). Rock Tots Playgroup meets on the last Thursday and Friday of every month from 9:30-11am. 

    Learn More

  • Rock Tots Nursery

    Rock Tots nursery is available on Sunday mornings for children ages birth - 3 years and meets in the nursery during the worship service. Staffed by one adult and one teen helper, your youngest kiddos will be taken care of while you focus on worship. 

  • Rock Kids

    Rock Kids offers classes during worship for ages pre-K - 6th grade. We meet in the church classrooms (divided by grade) directly after the children's lesson in the sanctuary. 5th & 6th grade students follow the same curriculum as the younger children, but in a deeper, more meaningful level. Connect with Emily, our Children's Coordinator here

  • Confirmation/Catechism

    A two-year course for our 7th and 8th grade students. It meets at church from 11:30pm - 1:00pm during the school year. Connect with pastor here

  • Youth Group

    7th-12th grade students connect monthly for a variety of outings and activities along with Bible study covering topics relevant to today's youth.  Connect with Dan here